Why All Entrepreneurs Should Read Bill Gates’s Favorite Business Book

Image: vadymvdrobot / Envato Elements
With so many business books on the market, it’s often tough to know which ones to look to for timeless wisdom and advice that won’t go out of style or be deemed irrelevant as time marches on. Most books dealing with the specifics of the Internet and ecommerce, for instance, risk becoming obsolete almost as soon as they hit the street. One book that…
3 Great Podcasts for Small-Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

Image: AnnaStills / Envato Elements
Podcasts are an often-overlooked resource for the small-business owner. Most small-business owners can name loads of books and websites that have served as valuable inspiration and education, but podcasts have only recently become such a vast, deep resource. And if you don’t think you have time for regular podcast listening, think again—you can easily listen to podcasts while you’re on the go or doing…