8 Questions to Ask to Validate Your Product or Business Idea

8 Questions to Ask to Validate Your Product or Business Idea

Image: Dragon Images / Shutterstock.com

When inspiration strikes, it doesn’t always strike gold. Ideas for a product or business should be proven worthy before spending loads of time and money putting plans into motion. Here are eight simple questions you can ask to validate your product or business idea.

1. What problem are you solving?

If you can’t quickly and clearly describe the problem that your product or service…

Mike Winters 2.03.2015

The 3 Most Critical Components to Building a Business

The 3 Most Critical Components to Building a Business

Image: ASDF_MEDIA / Shutterstock.com

Succeeding in business is often a combination of ingenuity, hard work, perseverance, and, yes, even luck. But there are a few things you can do to ensure that the odds are in your favor. Here are three things that are absolutely vital to building a successful business.

1. You must be passionate about your business! This level of passion requires genuine commitment and belief in…

Mike Winters 29.12.2014

Stop Procrastinating! 3 Simple Tips to Becoming an Exceptional Manager

Stop Procrastinating! 3 Simple Tips to Becoming an Exceptional Manager

Image: Jack Frog / Shutterstock.com

When it comes to management, there’s no one-size-fits-all technique. Many factors will determine your management style, including the type of business and your long-term and short-term goals. That said, if you follow our three simple tips you’ll be on your way to becoming a world-class manager in no time.

1. Routines. First, have a daily routine. Eventually, having a routing will create a “Muscle…

Mike Winters 17.12.2014

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